HappySeniorHomeOwners Blog

The FHA HECM Reverse Mortgage Fabulous  GrowinCreditLine!!!

Many Seniors are not aware of one of the most attractive and valuable advantages of this Program and is insured for the life of the Loan. The Lender can NOT eliminate or change it!!!


Available only on the Adjustable Rate Plans. The Program allows you to withdraw up to 60% of the Loan amount at Closing, including closing Costs and any existing Mortgage or lien.

 The Balance of the Loan Amount is deposited in a   GrowinCreditLine and will be available for withdrawal after one (1) Year. During the time the funds are in that Creditline, they are growing Tax Free at a Growth rate of .50% higher than the Interest rate charged for the funds owed that you withdrew at Closing.  (ie: if the Interest rate for the funds owed is 2.415% annual, for one period, the Growth Rate for the funds in the growing Creditline will be 2.951% for that same period). Tax Free!!!


Any funds available at Closing, not withdrawn will be deposited in the growing Creditline and will be available for withdrawal within the 1st year. 


The funds deposited  in the growing Creditline are not owed nor is interest charged on them, until withdrawn. They are a Growing Tax Free Cash Reserve!!!


Another  fabulous advantage is that If at anytime you decide to make a payment (x$)  to lower the debt, the debt will be decreased by (x$) and, the same amount of (x$) will be credited to the growing Creditline and be available immediately for withdrawal if needed.


Don’t waste the opportunity to change your life with a Reverse Mortgage. We offer both FHA Insured as well as Proprietary Programs up to a maximum Loan amount of $4,000,000 for houses, townhouses and Condos! 


Note: The information is provided for informational purposes only. It is subject to errors and /or omissions and to change without prior notice.


Not Only Am I a Specialist in Reverse Mortgages, but  
 I am Also a Client, with a 

 Fabulous  Growing CreditLine!!!

Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on September 8th, 2023 3:11 PM

Senior Homeowners, Stay at Home With
 Financial $ecurity!
In Times of Uncertainty, A Solid Solution!

Continue Reading...

Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on January 31st, 2022 8:06 PM

Financial / Retirement Planning (Florida)

Florida Seniors have a great need of advice regarding financial issues affecting their daily lives and long term goals. Today, with retirees living longer, there is a greater need to establish an additional source of liquidity to complement their Retirement income.

The Reverse Mortgage has Ceased to be a “Last Resort” Planning Tool. Today, it is much more! It can be a Stand-By Strategic Funding Tool for a Lower Cost Structuring!

Strategic consumption of the home’s equity through a Reverse Mortgage, in lieu of consuming the value of investment assets, could help drive the growth of other assets.

You can choose to receive the Tax-Free* proceeds in one of 4 ways:
1) Lump Sum or,
2) Monthly Advances or,
3) a GROWING CreditLine or,
4) a combination of 1, 2 and 3 above.

Interest accrues only on outstanding debt. On the CreditLine or Monthly Advances options, unused proceeds do not accrue interest until funds received.

The uses listed below should NOT be the primary reasons to get a Reverse Mortgage. However, it could also provide opportunities for financial planning:

? Avoid selling assets and paying Capital Gains Tax,
? Estate Preservation,
? Reduce Taxable Estate,
? Additional source of liquidity,
? Reduce taxable IRA withdrawals,
? Manage market volatility,
? Charitable or Sect. 529 Educ. Gifts,
? Delay Social Security,
? Portfolio Growth / Survivability,
? Life Insurance Trust -“2nd to die policy”,

Tax Free* Cash Reserve with a GROWINGCreditLine. (if option chosen),
? No Pre-Payment penalty (partial or full),
? A partial pre-payment will increase CreditLine (if that option chosen),
? Portion of a Pre-payment applicable to interest could be tax deductible*,
? etc...
Powerful Solutions For Today!
* We do not provide legal, financial or tax advise. Consult competent Financial/Tax/Legal advisor.


* Subject to Financial Assessment Requirements, to errors and/or omissions and to change without prior notice. ** (IRS.gov Pub 936 or 1-800-829-1040) We don’t provide tax, financial or legal advise. This Document has Not been approved by HUD/FHA/CFPB.

There are many myths today about reverse mortgage products and services. For this reason our organization is currently working with other financial professionals such as: CPA’s, Estate Attorneys, Financial Planners, Insurance Agents, Credit Unions and Banks, to dispel the myths and set the record straight. It will help your Advisors to better assist you. Please
Send the link below to your trusted Advisor: http://HappySeniorHomeOwners.com/FinancialAdvisors

To view this information in Spanish:

We can offer you a free, no obligation Confidential Personalized Estimate:     1) Call 786-262-6486 or 2) Fax (786) 345-0783 or 3) email RodKohly@gmail.com me your information

Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on August 24th, 2020 12:12 PM

Apply Immediately Before the New Changes Become Effective on October 2, 2017

Call Today!
(786) 262-6486

Dear Senior HomeOwner:

We notify you that The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced that, effective October 2, 2017 the proceeds that you can get from a Reverse Mortgage will decrease drastically.

We recommend that you make an appointment to come to our office to explore how these changes can affect the possibility of getting a Reverse Mortgage.

We will explain exactly how a Reverse Mortgage works and we will analyze if it is a good financial option for you and your family. Take action before the changes take place on October 2, 2017 and reduce the proceeds you can get from the program.

A Reverse Mortgage insured by the Federal Government offers you:

Tax Free “Cash” advance, or in a Growing CreditLine or in monthly advances.

§Financial freedom: Pay-off your current mortgage, consolidate your debts, pay medical expenses, improve your home, or simply enjoy your Money.

We invite you to call for an appointment at our office, without any cost or obligation, before the October 2 changes so you can benefit from this wonderful current Program. 

Don’t Stay Behind!

Juan Luis

Call   786-262-6486 or
305-646-0402  ext 107

Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on September 6th, 2017 11:19 AM

 ¿Que Sucede Cuando Fallece el Ultimo Prestatario
 de una Hipoteca Revertida?

English version Click here

Esta pregunta es primordial para Propietarios, (asi como sus Herederos) que tienen o desean hacer una Hipoteca Revertida (Reverse Mortgage) sobre su hogar. NADA  de esta información generalizada debe ser interpretada como consejo legal, NO SOY ABOGADO.

Para el propósito de este escrito, me referiré EXCLUSIVAMENTE, al Reverse Mortgage "Home Equity Conversion Mortgage" - H.E.C.M., aprobado por el Congreso Federal, Regulado por HUD y asegurado por FHAEs el único disponible hoy y el mas comun. Hace varios años, habian varios Reverse Mortgages Privados los cuales pudieran tener diferentes Términos y Condiciones. Deben consultar un consejero legal competente para determinar que tipo tiene.

Aclaremos algo, el Reverse Mortgage HECM fue creado para ayudar al los propietarios Seniors, a mas nadie. PUNTO. El propietario es dueño de la propiedad 100%, pero el prestamista tiene derechos concedidos por la Hipoteca. Ni el prestamista ni el Gobierno poseen, ni se quedan, ni desean la propiedad. PUNTO.

Como un Senior con un Reverse mortgage en mi hogar, y un Professional de Originación de Reverse Mortgages por mas de 7 años, puedo aseverar que ha ayudado a miles de Seniors. Para MUCHOS, ha sido una bendición.

¿Que Sucede Cuando Fallece el Ultimo Prestatario?
: De acuerdo con los Términos de la mayoria de las hipotecas, Reverse o Tradicionales, al fallecimiento el prestamo se convierte en “pagadero” inmediatamente ( immediately due and payable). El Prestatario ya no existe. Los Prestamistas se suscriben a servicios y reciben información de cuando uno de sus Prestatarios fallece. Aun asi, la Herencia debe notificar al “Servicer” del fallecimiento, lo antes posible.

El “Servicer” del Prestamista envia una carta “fuerte” notificando que el prestamo es “due and payable” inmediatamente y dandole a la Herencia 30 dias para decider como van a pagar la deuda. La herencia debe contestar dentro de esos 30 dias comunicando su intención.  Si no se contesta, el Servicer iniciará el proceso de Embargo Judicial. Por favor no demore en contestar.

Sinembargo, las reglas de HUD generalmente conceden por un plazo "razonable"que no puede exceder un (1) año (6 meses y quizas HASTA 2 extensiones adicionales de hasta 3 meses cada una, si se considera necesario) para pagar la deuda. En otras palabras, la Herencia tiene HASTA 1 año para pagarla segun descrito. La herencia tiene que demostrar que estan hacienda su “debida diligencia” ("due diligence") de pagar la deuda (refinanciandola, poniendola a la venta con realtor, etc…). Durante este tiempo, la Herencia debera comunicarse y cooperar con el “ Servicer” y solicitor su guia. La mayoria le ayudará.

Si el balance adeudado no es pagado dentro del periodo concedido, el Servicer iniciará el proceso de embargo y la propiedad pudiera perderse. Si la herencia no coopera y se comunica, el Servicer no tiene que esperar un año para iniciar el embargo.

Normalmente, cualquier Adelanto mensual que el prestatario estba recibiendo se detendra y la Linea de Credito cesará de estar disponible. Consulte con el Servicer que le envia los Estados de cuenta mensuales.

Por favor note que el interes, el MIP mensual y cualquier cargo por servicio ( si tiene) continuaran acumulandose hasta que el prestamo sea pagado. Los imuestos de la Propiedad, seguros y cargos dela propiedad deben ser pagados durante este periodo, y la propiedad ser mantenida en buenas condiciones, para evitar el inicio de el proceso de embargo. La herencia pudiera utilizar la de Deduccion de los intereses y cargos pagados, de los impuestos.

El HECM Reverse Mortgage es un prestamo “Non-Recourse”.  Simplificando, quiere decir que el Prestamista (Mortgagee) NO PUEDE cobrar un centavo mas que "el menor de” el balance adeudado o el valor del hogar, ya sea del Prestatario en vida o de la Herencia. Ni un centavo mas. Punto.  

El Propietario pagó la prima de un Seguro de Hipoteca requerido por FHA (MIP) al cierre y mensual. Este seguro compensa al Prestatario por esta deficiencia una vez que la propiedad sea: 1)  embargada y vendida, o    2) vendida en una Venta-Corta o  3) entregada al Prestatario en una operación “Titulo-en-vez-de-embargo” ("deed-in-lieu-of-foreclosure") y vendida. El Prestamista NO PUEDE, repito NO PUEDE recuperar esta deficiencia del Prestatario en vida o de la Herencia.

Veamos algunos ejemplos para explicarlo mejor.

Ejemplo 1)
: Propiedad vendida o refinanciada o deuda pagada:
Valor propiedad:   $300,000
Balance adeudado: $200,000
Plusvalia:          $100,000 esta pertenece al Propieatrio o a Herencia.

Ejemplo 2)
: Propiedad "bajo el agua"

Valor propiedad:     $300,000
Balance adeudado:  $350,000

Deficiencia:         ($  50,000)  
Esta suma no puede ser recuperada del Propietario o de la Herencia.

La suma adeudada dependerá de varios factores:
(1) Cuantos años hace que se hizo el Reverse Mortgage..
(2) Los fondos que se han adelantado al Prestatario.
(3) Plan escogido y tasa de interes del prestamo.

El incremento o decrecimiento del valor de la propiedad no afecta el balance adeudado. Sin embargo, si afecta que el balance adeudado sea mayor o menor que el valor de la propiedad.

Si el valor de la  propiedad es menor que el balance adeudado, la propiedad pudiera ser vendida a un comprador no relacionado con la herencia en una transacción “No-Vinculada” ("Arms Length Transaction") por el menor de el balance adeudado o el 95% del valor de Tasación (appraised value). Los herederos pudieran quedarse con la propiedad, por el menor de el balance adeudado o el 95% del valor de Tasación (appraised value).


Derechos Conyugales  -  Conyuge No-Prestatario (Non-Borrowing spouses): Si un Conyuge No-Prestatario quien sobrevive al Prestatario, fue removido del titulo en la fecha del Cierre, por haber sido menor que los 62 años requeridos o por cualquier otra razón, hay una reglas muy complicadas. Conyuges sobrevivientes y herederos deben consultar un consejero legal competente para que le interprete sus opciones y derechos.

Ocupantes No-Prestatarios
: Esten concientes de que cualquier ocupante no-prestatario tendrá que desocupar la propiedad eventualmente. Inquilinos:  pudieran tener ciertos derechos y protecciones bajo la Ley Estatal y pudieran necesitar consultar a un consejero legal competente.

He tratado de simplificar el proceso para hacerlo mas comprensible. Sinceramente, espero haya sido util. De Nuevo esto no debe ser interpretado como consejo legal. No soy abogado. Si tiene preguntas debe consultar un consejero legal competente.


Nota: la informacion aqui presentada es para propositos informacionales solamente. Esta sujeta a errores y/u omisiones y/o a cambios sin aviso previo.

Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on July 3rd, 2015 7:36 PM

On Nov 10, 2014,FHA announced that there will be more changes to the FHA Reverse Mortgage Program "HECM"  effective March 2, 2015

This will reduce the amount that some Borrowers might receive.

Then, new applicants will go through "financial assessment" which mean that FHA want to be sure that they have the sufficient means to support themselves and still be able to pay for the Property Taxes, Charges and Home Owners Insurance.

The reason for this change is that in the past, many Seniors, spent all the funds received from the Reverse Mortgage and stopped paying the Taxes and Insurance on their home.  

Since these two conditions are obligatory in order to maintain the mortgage on the home, failure to pay them has led to a default and to foreclosure and loss of some Senior’s homes.

Of course, neither the Government nor the Lender want to see a Senior lose their homes.

In order to determine the financial capability, the proceeds received from the Reverse,  income from valid sources, investments, etc.., will be considered. Expenses, such as utilities, property taxes and insurance of all properties owned, among others.

 Also to be considered is the Credit History and financial responsibility of the Senior.The Program might require that a  "Set Aside" reserve be established to pay for future taxes and insurance premiums for a few years. This will reduce the amount that can be received from the Reverse, but would help to prevent a foreclosure in the future. 

 These measures will limit the number of Seniors that may get a Reverse Mortgage. However, they will be beneficial to the ones that will be able to obtain them by increasing the possibility to stay in their home. 
If you or any one you know has been  postponing getting a Reverse Mortgage, DON’T wait any longer. Call me today. 786-262-6486 or email at RodKohly@gmail.com

Your comments will be appreciated. Post here or send them to RodKohly@GMail.com   *   For most answers call me at 786-262-6486  or visit http://HappySeniorHomeOwners.com   (English-Español).  Follow me in Facebook: http://Facebook.com/RodKohlyLO    To tell a friend visit  http://www.happyseniorhomeowners.com/tellfriend.aspx

Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on November 12th, 2014 1:01 PM


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¡No Solo Soy Especialista en Hipotecas Revertidas, Tambien Soy Un Cliente!!!

2828 Coral Way, Ste. 470
Miami, FL 33145