Take advantage of real estate opportunities as soon as they present themselves with a Bridge loan up to $5,000,000.

 A Bridge loan is often used to buy real estate before an existing property is sold – thereby “Bridgeing” the gap in between. These loans typically come with a short 12 to 36 month term and are ideal for financing investment properties or renovation and construction projects.
It is a valuable tool for when trying to obtain Permanent financing with more advantageous terms.

Bridge loans can be used for:

Aproveche las oportunidades inmobiliarias tan pronto como se presenten con un préstamo Puente hasta $5,000,000.

 Un préstamo Puente se utiliza a menudo para comprar bienes raíces antes de vender una propiedad existente, “cerrando así” la brecha entre ambos. Estos préstamos suelen tener un plazo corto de 12 a 36 meses y son ideales para financiar propiedades de inversión o proyectos de renovación y construcción.

Es una valiosa herramienta mientras trata de obtener financiamiento Permanente con mejores condiciones

Los préstamos Puente del RBI se pueden utilizar para

Standard Loan Terms:

  • Max Loan Amount: $100,000 to $5,000,000, *
  • Investment Only
  • Max LTV (Loan to Value): Purchase 80%
          up to75% Cash Out Refinance *
  • Term of loan: 12-36 months *
  • Payments: Monthly Interest Payments with
     Balloon at Maturity
  • Prepayment penalty: None 
  • The Usual Time to Close is 5-10 days

* subject to Program chosen.


  1. Residential
  2. Commercial.
  3. Industrial



Call 786-262-6486 today or email me at  or use the form provided below

Great Florida Lending, Inc

¡No Solo Soy Especialista en Hipotecas Revertidas, Tambien Soy Un Cliente!!!

2828 Coral Way, Ste. 470
Miami, FL 33145